Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekend text recap

Nothing too extreme went down this weekend. It was pretty normal as far as weekends go. And by typical I mean it was weird by normal people standards but regular for me.

Sent texts from Friday night to various people (I went to 2 parties, starting at 9pm):
9:39pm: Omg amaretto is so delish!
9:56pm: Kathleen and I are drinking. Way?!
10:08pm: WUNDABAR!
10:17pm: Im already gettin tipsy. Itll be fun
10:24pm Im already drinkingamaretto
10:26pm Im not at haus wet idk.
10:28pm Im at the ferajtl cats party and they made me chug. Thats the first timd ive fver chugged.
10:30pm You are a terrible person. You just want me to get dsunk and hid bbq chips in my mailbox again.
10:34pm Yebg. Bbq chips are my fav.
10:50pm Wcy to kill my thunder
12:34am Dance paqtajyyy!!
12:36pm There  ir am intense dance partay that youre misring out on. Wish you were here.
12:38am I hate ynu and i am tipry
12:58am Iw dancing slutily owith liz
1:03am Rodmw w is staqting to spin. No bueno.
1:21am Im not rure what my grinkage is, but im the world is sprinning and im drunk.and i just tripped over a curb
1:23am Thats jnins job. In walking iomewnow
1:24am John im dhpunk
1:29am Mile yokwneed to adopt apangolin

I like to think that because I don't have a QWERTY keypad I am less able to type texts that make grammatical sense when I start consuming things. Pressing multiple buttons to get to letters that I use a lot just means that my texts are amusing to their recipients.

Saturday morning I woke up at 7, felt like crap, and had a whole assortment of minor injuries. Two scratches, lots of muscle soreness, and my right hip hurt like hell from all the intense swaying I did on Friday night. Plus I puked four times. I am so classy.

Also, this text conversation happened on Saturday afternoon: 
Boy: Freezing rain is so weird
Me: The technical term is grobble.
Boy: Yeah...grobble sounds like a sex term
Me: Can you use it in a sentence?
Boy: As the love-making began, he grobbled her sweetly. She was not frightened or worried by this. Instead she reveled in the passion that was ensuing between them.

This was totally unexpected. I was totally flirtingly joking about the whole use it in a sentence thing. Except Boy took it seriously enough to make my jaw drop open when I got this text. Do you know how hard it is to make me speechless?? How do you even respond to that?! I was just like, Woah...that was totally porn worthy.

Yesterday of course was the Superbowl. Went to my friend's house (Chateau) and hung out with a bunch of people. Kept my alcohol consumption to two bitch drinks. Ate a shitton of junkfood. Dropped a piece of cake on myself. Etc. I was rooting for the Steelers (my Dad would disown me otherwise) but since that didn't work out I just rooted for the commercials instead. And I also rooted for that cameraman that got steamrolled in the first half. I loved the slowmo reply of that one.

Also, thoughts on halftime:
1. Fergie are you having an off day or something?
2. Somebody saw TRON and really liked it
4. Cool stage man.
5. Usher....yeah, you move that sexy ass of yours.

Post Superbowl, the greatest show known to anyone under the age of 25--Glee--came on. Darren Criss (aka Harry Potter from AVPM/AVPS) is still dreamy as always and Sue Sylvester makes my life.

And just for kicks, on my walk home I ate sidewalk. That's what I get for going to school in the Northeast.

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