Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blast from the past 2005 part II

13th July 2005
so today i got up around like, 10ish or so. i flittered around the house. then lanes mom came over and told me that i was invited to her bible study session. i really am a woose, i have a really hard time saying 'no' to people. so now im stuck with a bible study class and a book called: A Young Woman After God's Own Heart: A Teen's Guide to Friends, Faith, Family and the Future.

i do not need help with my friends my faith my future or my family. (although i think my family needs help sometimes)

me and my enormously gigantic mouth.

15th July 2005
had my first bible study group today with lizzy, lane and myself. (damn you carly for talking your way out of it) it was torture. the whole time i was trying to hide behind my book but mrs. d was like dont hide behind your book. and then she had us read the first chapter of that hideous book outloud. that lady (the author of the book) was seriously high when she wrote that book. that, or she was delusional. she wrote the book like she was talking to a child. i DO NOT appreciate being addressed like a child. that is one of the few things that set me off. then mrs d goes on to say stuff like god loves you, and he is the creator and all this other stuff. i listened of course, and i understood the message she was trying to send, but that doesnt mean i have to believe it. at one point she told me and lizzy that we were blessed for having families that care for us and love us. and then she goes on to talk about how you see elementary school kids dressed in shorts in the middle of winter because their parents dont care for them properly. then i thought, well if god loves everybody, then why did he screw that kid over???? i mean if he loves everybody, then he must love that kid too. but maybe not.

July 28th 2005
i was saved from starvation today by the miraculous finding of a can of spaghettio's in the way way back of the canned food cabinet. So, i had it for lunch. even better, there were TWO cans of spaghettio's, so i can even have one for lunch tomarrow. (for breakfast im having leftover turkey burgers, i already called dibs on them). Yay.

18th August 2005
i DO NOT look like elvis. period. not one bit. i Definetly do not resemble him at all.

somehow mary grace, katie, erin, terra, and kniffen got it into their heads that i look like elvis. i do not think i look like elvis, and neither does becca, , jesse, sara, erin r, or all the other people i asked. so now erin is calling me elvis. maybe it would be okay if i looked anything like him, but i dont. 

3rd September 2005
i just got back from school supply shopping with grammy. but im still mad at mom for bng an anal fruit loop. wanna know what we got into an argument about? mechanical pencils. yeah. what a freak. i just bought a pack of colored pens with like 8 colors, so now i can color code in even more prettyness.

(now: I am totally whipping out the insult "Anal Fruit Loop" sometime this week)

1st October 2005
i have just finished de-peanutbuttering myself. i no longer smell like a third-graders luch, but like that shampoo i have in the orange bottle. (i dont even know what kind it is cause i buy whatever i have a coupon for.)

i half watched Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy which from the parts that i was actually paying attention to, was a pretty good movie. fell asleep on the chair and woke up to marty (note: Marty is a dog) licking peanut butter off my hand. then i went upstairs and they all told me to go look at myself in the mirror, so i did. i had PB everywhere. all over my face, my hands, in my hair, all over my shirt, and i smelled like PB.

17th October 2005
i tried to fix my headphones with super-glue. it worked, but i ended up gluing some of my hair to it because i was watching a movie, so i put them on.

its very awkward to have big clunky headphones glued to your head.

so i had to rip out some of my hair. it hurt. now im minus a clump of hair.

1st November 2005
did i mention that i am now the proud owner of a tivo? best invention ever. i tested it out with taping a full 10 hours of "I Love the 80s 3D" then i watched them and fast forwarded through all the parts where i dont know what they are talking about. it was fun.

and the best part is, it makes that little beepy noise. ITS THE COOLEST NOISE EVER!!!!

4th November 2005
Today is friday, but i just feel like blah. im so tired, i fell asleep on the living room floor with dannys bean bag on my back cause i was cold. i think i looked like a passed out turtle on drugs or something. and i had one of those old navy tank tops on so my stomach had little imprint lines from my tank top. like i had just got out of jail or something. if you cant already tell, im still kinda out of it, im just tired for reasons unbeknownst to me.

i kinda want to go to chapters tomarrow just to cheer on meade and glen burnie and to see the other bands but i dont know if mom or dad would take me. hmmm.

even though he still deserves to die, hiney earned some cool points when he admitted to owning the first 3 seasons of Family Guy and that he hasn't had time to watch the simpsons in months.

our bus driver is weird. she lets you get away with anything. some guys stuck their asses out the window today and all she did was laugh. im starting to seriously think that if i called her a bitch or something (i would never actually do this cause shes really nice) she would just laugh at me. shes cool. 

6th November 2005
mom and i went into walmart and i got Star Wars III Revenge of the Sith. omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg! hes soooooooooooo hot!!!!!!! i was literally drooling during the movie. and that one part, where he has no shirt on? omg. HOTTY!!!! (hes only hot till Obi Wan cuts his legs off and he is burned alive)
and Yoda, who is the coolest little green guy ever, hes not hot, but hes still cool. 

10th November 2005
so my dad has committed tree homicide. i asked him to get me the drivers handbook, so what does he do? he prints it out. all 104 pages. plus the other booklest thats like 50 pages. literally. not front and back pages, but single pages. so now i have the equivilent of a tree sitting on my desk. poor tree. and when i ask him about it, i figure hes gonna say something along the lines of "well im killing the ozone layer when i drive there to get it." bullshit. the trees are what help repair the ozone layer. hello???? come on, really save the trees. i should be a tree hugger or something. i should just randomly go up and hug trees. trees are nice.

(now: This, ladies and gents, is what we call foreshadowing)

16th November 2005
today started out really bad and then it got better. i woke up late, missed my bus, couldnt find any lunch money, had to learn about imaginary numbers in alg 2(who the hell gets bored enough to just MAKE UP numbers. wth???)

19th November 2005
im cleaning out my brothers closet and i found a christmas list he wrote last year (he was 7) that says:

Dear Santa Claus
Thank you for giving us gifts. Will you bring lots of presins this time for all of us in the class. Wait is your Eves dooing rite now I bet it is hard raping the gifts your pal? Danny.

omg, i cracked up. "raping the gifts" is just too much. and the spelling errors are just hilarious.

20th November 2005
me, lauren g, lauren b, carly, liz and mrs brandy all went to baskin robins/dunkin donuts on the way to the GS thing. first we all had trouble ordering, cuase we couldnt decide, so we told the lady to hold on a sec. then while we were talking we heard the girl talking and stuff cause i guess she didnt know her mike was on.
girl: bob, are those done yet?
(about a minute later)
(we sit there in stunned silence for a sec and start cracking up)
carly:i bet you its on fire or somthing.
(a few seconds later)
girl:(talking to us now) umm...can you hold on a sec, theres a fire in here, the donuts got stuck in the oven.
carly: what did i tell you guys?
(we all further crack up.)
omg, it was really funny, and we were in line for about 20 minutes.

and i now have a myspace

22nd November 2005
played mario DDR. funny stuff. you go on an adventure to rescue the stars with toad and all your problems are solved by dancing.
mountain? dance over it.
river? dance across it.
bully? kick his ass in a dance off.
giant squid? ditto.
and luigis dance moves? he beats yous all.

1st December 2005
this is my hawthorne imitation. i got the idea from a new movie coming out(hint hint): (we had to write about an entry way. i was going for a mysterios/old/wise mood.

the door

A snaking line of insipid ants, curved along well-worn floorboards, intermixed with dust; some largely stashed in ominous corners and the rest strewn about the place; the former of which were ambling about beneath the cobwebby underside of an aged wardrobe, draped in a white sheet.
The now old and shabby wardrobe had entered this life from an oak tree even more so ancient. It was nailed, and sanded, and buffed, and primed for a long life outside the workshop. But still decades after it was created and decades before now, a young mother fell in love with it at auction and brought it home to her growing family. In this home the wardrobe became the center of the hustle and bustle of a continuously growing household; children hid inside it, mothers and fathers entrusted their clothing to it, and even the long deceased cat had curled up upon it to escape the dog; but this once grand wardrobe had come to be neglected in the endless passing of time. Now it’s hinges creaked and badly needed oiling, it’s knobs were so tarnished that their original coloring was unknown, and it’s vertically rectangular doors were forever scarred, scratched, and fingerprinted by all who took refuge in it’s inky depths. But this ancient wardrobe was far from ugly, as the presence of the sheet might convey; carvings of ornate designs swirled, spiriled, and looped throughout the area of the doors. Yet for all the love and tenderness put into this treasured wardrobe, one might think it to be deserving of surroundings slightly more grandiose.
The room in which the wardrobe was stationed all by it’s lonesome, was slightly dismal; with floating dots of dust, suspended in the light that burst forth through the solitary square, identified as a window, and with no other fixtures in the proximity. Ants of course, speckle the floor beneath the wardrobe and occasionally the present cat saunters in to bask in the warm glow of the sun that streams through the window and maybe glance at the ceaseless scrambling of the ants, leaving behind paw-shaped evidence on the filth covered floor. But even with the mediocre space in which the wardrobe calls home, it is still an exceptional wardrobe; for it is the entryway to a magical world by the name of Narnia, where our narrative begins.....

24th December 2005
i hope to god that my grandma has gotten me decent presents this year. last year my cousins all got thongs and clothes from aeropostal and abercrombie and i got granny panties and walmart clothes. (not that i dont like walmart, but the clothes that she picks out are just tacky.)
just got back from seeing Cheaper By the Dozen 2. pretty good movie. but the best parts was the kid sitting next to me, and my mom. whenever something ever remotely funny happened, my mom started hysterically laughing. and you could hear her over everybody else, and me, carly, and lizzie were 3 or 4 rows down from them. (i think i laughed more at her than at the movie) and then, when bonnie hunt is telling that one girl shes "beautiful no matter what.." the little kid next to me whispers "man,...shes UGLY!" and then carly and i bust out laughing. even better, he said it again after she had her little makeover, except this time it was "shes even UGLIER now!" and of course we start laughing again. Classic

Now: And thus concludes my 15 year old blogging. Look forward to more senseless ranting about bullshit in 2006!

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