Saturday, February 5, 2011

Social network butterfly

Drinking makes people do stupid things. (I'm currently thinking about this because it's relevant. I went out last night and made a minor spectacle of myself. Since I'm going to be sitting here in bed until I feel less sick enough to go make myself some french toast, I figured I might as well talk about it.)

For example, things I've done while drunk include:
1. Hiding BBQ chips in the mailbox.
2. Confessing my love for my juggling instructor to someone who I later realized was in the juggling club.
3. Table dancing
4. Licking dessert toppings off people of varying degrees of hairiness
5. Running around singing the Beach Boys Christmas Album at the top of my lungs after having some 4Loko.
6. Bunny hopping across a crosswalk for no apparent reason.

But those were all one time things. Literally, every time I start drinking I begin to socially network.

One example would be the night that I'd had about 5 drinks before I got hold of the bottle of Hot Damn! It all went downhill from there (I ended up shirtless and dancing). Throughout the night I drunkenly facebooked, tweeted, texted, called, voicemailed, and had a 20 minute AIM conversation with myself (my friend was online but asleep).

Another was last Easter when I had 20 drinks, and then called a friend at 3:30 in the morning with a wicked case of hiccups after having been tweeting & texting all night.

I am a real social network butterfly.

I'm pretty sure it started last year when my two friends Soxhat and Ghost thought it would be funny to leave me a drunken voicemail. They just become substantially more ridiculous upon consumption of alcohol, so it was pretty funny. In fact I still have those voicemails saved on my phone because they're just so damn entertaining. Anyway, thus began a tradition of us calling each other and leaving voicemails for the other people. Soxhot won't even answer his phone if it's me and I'm calling after midnight because he knows.

Generally, I just talk about whatever is on my mind. A lot of classes I take are animal based. My favorite animals are pangolins, so both Soxhat and Ghost have received multiple ramblings about the glories of scaly anteaters.

Also, I apparently like echidnas a lot too. I was sitting in the Couchboat right before winter break started when I get a text from Soxhat: "I'm at the verizon store listening to your drunk voicemails. They were very excited about echidnas" Is it sad that I don't remember ever talking about echidnas?

Facepalm. He and his mother (who I'm also FB friends with because she makes delicious cookies) were in the verizon store getting new phones. One of the attendants was showing them the new video voicemail feature. Not knowing any better, the guy just picked the first voicemail there was: drunk Sam blubbering on about monotremes. Oh boy. Awkward.

Thankfully last night was limited to tweeting and phone related communications since I lent Giraffes my laptop. On top of fracturing her rib this week, her MacBook died so I told her she could use mine. It was probably better for me and all of my facebook friends that this happened.

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