Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Chronicles of Steve II

So Steve, my Grandad, is at is again. This time he hurt himself working out in the yard by straining some oh his back muscles. He went inside to take some of Grammy's pain pills. He popped them in his mouth and grabbed a cup on the counter to wash them down with. He had already drank half the cup when he realized he was drinking dish soap. He later told me he thought he was dying.

My other Grandad, Charles, also had his moment in the WTFuckery column this month. Both Grandads are diabetic, but Charles does not and never has handled his diabetes very well. He wrecked my Grandmother's car (again) because he was having a low blood sugar. A state trooper stopped to make sure he was OK. Well, when his sugar gets low Charles becomes a nasty SOB and gets completely belligerent. Even worse, he refuses to wear a medical alert bracelet so that people will realize he's diabetic in case he needs help. So he ended up getting belligerent with the state trooper and actually kicked him the balls. My 70-something year old grandfather, who is only 5-7, kicked a state trooper in the balls. Then the state trooper wrestled him to the ground and handcuffed him, and then took him to the hospital.

And you people wonder where I get it from. I swear there's a WTF gene in my family.

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