Sunday, April 10, 2011

Internet wins at life, the rest of us lose

The internet is a dangerous place. And I'm not just talking sketchy pedophiles or craiglist personal ads. In an extremely rough guestimate I would postulate that the internet is the Number 1 sucker-upper of my time. Nobody wins at internet. You can only lose.

Take, for example, today. I returned to Estate around 12:30 after having been so tired from field crumpets yesterday that I nearly passed out during Drinking Jeopardy. [Sidenote: I also went to the movies and saw Your Highness last night. It was appropriately stupid with sporadic awesome moments and not nearly enough half naked Natalie Portman. Also, it used the phrase 'the fuckening' and I'm still trying to wrap my head that particular phrase]. I most definitely passed out on Sushi's futon last night post-Drinking Jeopardy while watching Sex in Ancient Egypt on the History Channel. But I digress. I got home, took out the compost, made mashed potatoes, then watched two episodes of Modern Family with Giraffes, then I got on my computer.

Now, I have a Human Sexuality paper due on Thursday. I have beta alpha nu delta events Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, as well as zumba tomorrow, IM volleyball on Wednesday, and a toga party that is happening at my house on Friday to prepare for.

In fact, I just took a 20 minute interlude from that last paragraph to check facebook, twitter, my email, and yahoo!.

See what I mean? It's like a disease or something.

I'm not sure what I did before the internet happened, but I'm sure it was a hellava lot more productive than what I get done now. From the research I was doing for my paper I have three sources, only two of which count for the required eight from peer reviewed journals. That is what I've gotten since 12:30, and it's not like my topic (why abstinence-only education in schools doesn't work) is something obscure and I'm having a hard time finding sources. No. I just have such internet ADD that I can't focus on one thing for too long because then I become obsessed with checking facebook. And from there I get engrossed in stalking somebody's pictures and creeping on people who I was friends with in high school. If they gave grades for internet stalking I'd be getting A's for sure.

The Big Four for me include Yahoo! (my shit email), Twitter, Gmail, & Facebook. Every time I sit at a computer these four sites are pulled up. At least an hour of my day goes to keeping my internet life updated and/or getting updated on the internet lives of my friends.

If I'm feeling particularly time waste-worthy, I hit up Neatorama, Todaysbigthing, or watch Apple movie previews. If I'm purposely avoiding work I usually go with Sporcle or Word Bubbles. That's only if YouTube doesn't get to me before then. Then there's the funny sites like textsfromlastnight, fmylife, damnyouautocorrect, regretsy, crapatmyparentshouse, and asiansleepinginthelibrary. The list is literally endless.

What's even worse is that they aren't isolated. Half the time somebody posts a youtube video on facebook, and then I get sucked into wikipedia, and it just continues on from there.

What truly sucks is that both school and the Internet is on my computer. Most papers have to be typed, or researched, or Blackboarded, or whatever and when the internet is RIGHT THERE and my self control is totally gone there is nothing between me and Time Wasting Time.

And it's not just me. Metalhead actually has "CONCENTRATE" written on her computer because she #1, played over 1000 games of solitaire in January alone, but #2 has a tumblr and spends time on that and being addicted to various metal blogs. It's an EPIDEMIC. GUARD YOUR BRAINNSSSS.

As it is, I'm being TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY PRODUCTIVE by wasting more time blogging about how much time I waste.

There is seriously something wrong with me.

Internet: 1 Sam: 0

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